Welcome to Broken Diamond Equine!
If you are looking for a space where you can relieve your stresses and boost your daily energy by being with horses, you came to the right place. You may or may not have previous horse experience but are searching for a place to feed the horse craving in your soul. ​
What is Equine Assisted Learning (EAL)?
A horse is a prey animal which means they have keen senses that are alert to dangers. This quality means they respond immediately to humans’ emotions, which creates an environment where people are invited to portray positive and inviting energy towards the horse. When people calm their minds and hearts to welcome the horse with their personal energy, the horse begins to trust them, and connections can be made. Practicing this self awareness with a horse can encourage these behaviours around family and community members. Self control and inner confidence can begin to form and create differences in everyday life.

Our Vision
What People Say
Had a fantastic ladies night with Tarryn and her beautiful horses! Learned so much about myself and how to communicate with both horses and people. Thank you!
Ms. Jade
During the Equine Programming students learn many leadership skills as well as communication and team building skills. Students worked together to build their individual and team confidence. They learned to develop trust and strategies to overcome anxiety. Students focused on communication, especially body language and the unspoken intricacies of communicating. Overall, every student’s confidence and leadership skills growth was profound.”
Tarryn is great with her horses and is very perceptive to the needs of both the rider and horse. Her calm nature adds to a very peaceful, relaxing experience. I found it not only very enjoyable but also very meditative.